Patient Engagement
The unique patient engagement at the heart of the LifeArc Rare Respiratory Disease (RRD) Centre is discussed in a press release issued on behalf of LAM Action. To read a copy of the press release, please click here.
LifeArc Centre for Rare Respiratory Diseases
As part of the LifeArc research initiative Prof. Simon Johnson’s team and LAM Action are involved in one of four LifeArc Translational Centres for Rare Diseases: the LifeArc Centre for Rare Respiratory Diseases. Here's a fascinating video that explains how the...
See You at our Annual Meeting, 7 June 2025!
LAM Action's 2025 annual meeting will be on Saturday, 7 June, at the Leonardo Hotel London Watford. We will hear about LAM Action's activities over the last year, get practical tips and advice about living with LAM and learn about ongoing research. The meeting is for...
London and Southeast LAM Get-together
The next get-together of the London and Southeast LAM group will be on Saturday, 22 March 2025. If you would like more information, please contact Jill Pateman
Winter 2024 LAMPost
The winter edition of LAMPost is now available to download - big thanks to all who contributed! Download the style that suits you, to read on your phone: LAMPost Winter 2024 Mobile Device Friendly Or to print: LAMPost Winter 2024 Print Version Happy reading and best...
2024 Christmas Cards
It’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas, so please support our fundraising for LAM research this Christmas by purchasing your cards from LAM Action. Printed on high-quality board, the cards come in packs of 10 and cost £4.25 per pack + postage. All...
Summer 2024 LAMPost
The summer edition of LAMPost is now available to download - big thanks to all who contributed! Download the style that suits you, to read on your phone: LAMPost Summer 2024 Mobile Device Friendly Or to print: LAMPost Summer 2024 Print Version Happy reading and best...
BBC News report on new £9.4m LifeArc centre
The BBC News report on the new LifeArc centre can be read here
£9.4 Million Research Centre for Rare Respiratory Diseases
For the first time ever, there will be a hub connecting people affected by rare respiratory diseases with a network of clinical experts, researchers, investors, and industry leaders across the UK.
See you at our Annual Meeting, 8 June!
LAM Action's Annual Meeting will be held in Birmingham on Saturday, 8 June, at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel. This is our first in-person meeting since 2019 and offers those with LAM and their families the chance to meet one another and hear about exciting research...
Spring 2024 LAMPost
The spring edition of LAMPost is now available to download - big thanks to all who contributed! Download the style that suits you, to read on your phone: LAMPost Spring 2024 Mobile Device Friendly Or to print: LAMPost Spring 2024 Print Version Happy reading and best...
Winter 2023 LAMPost
The winter edition of LAMPost is now available to download - big thanks to all who contributed and it is a real Christmas cracker! Download the style that suits you, to read on your phone: LAMPost Winter 2023 Mobile Device Friendly Or to print: LAMPost Winter 2023...
Summer 2023 LAMPost
The summer edition of LAMPost is now available to download - big thanks to all who contributed! Download the style that suits you, to read on your phone: LAMPost Summer 2023 Mobile Device Friendly Or to print: LAMPost Summer 2023 Print Version Happy reading and best...
Watch LAM Action’s 4th Virtual Meeting
LAM Action held its fourth Patients' Meeting virtually on 10th June 2023. The 3 and a half hour event included research updates from Prof Simon Johnson and Dr Debbie Clements, a look at nutrition and LAM, a discussion about dealing with the menopause if you have LAM...
June is Worldwide LAM Awareness Month
June has been designated Worldwide LAM Awareness Month (WWLAM) by the Worldwide LAM Patient Coalition. WWLAM brings together the global community in a collaborative effort to educate the world about the signs and symptoms of LAM, raise funds to support women living...
Ride London 28th May 2023
Well done and a very big thank you to all 9 LAM Action riders who took part in Ride London on Sunday 28th May. Team Johnson - Professor Simon Johnson and his daughter Naomi, and friends Oscar Mahony and Alex Slater Simon Fairbrother Jo Pisani Kev Jones and Lisa Cooper...
Jo’s story
Jo was diagnosed with LAM in 2017, in her early fifties. She maintains an active lifestyle and is cared for by the team at the National Centre for LAM, in Nottingham.
Sally’s story
Sally was diagnosed with LAM when she was in her early fifties. Now in her sixties, she remains active, riding horses and working around her farm.
Spring 2023 LAMPost
The spring edition of LAMPost is now available to download - big thanks to all who contributed! Download the style that suits you, to read on your phone: LAMPost Spring 2023 Mobile Device Friendly Or to print: LAMPost Spring 2023 Print Version Happy reading and best...
Winter 2022 LAMPost
The winter edition of LAMPost is now available to download, with lots of articles and info that you won’t want to miss! Download the style that suits you, to read on your phone: LAMPost Winter 2022 Mobile Device Friendly or to print: LAMPost Winter 2022 Print Version...
Congratulations to our LAM Researchers
LAM Action congratulates Dr Suzanne Miller, a Senior Research Fellow working in Professor Simon Johnson's lab, on being named the British Thoracic Society's Early Career Investigator of the Year for her work in LAM. Dr Miller was one of six finalists from a field of...
Harriet’s story
Harriet has only recently discovered that she has LAM and talks frankly about the experiences that led up to her diagnosis and how a visit to a LAM Action meeting helped her to come to terms with the disease.
LAM Factsheet
With huge thanks to Gill Hollis, Professor Simon Johnson and Professor Emeritus Anne Tattersfield, we have updated our factsheet on LAM. Please click here to read or download a copy.
Leanne’s story
Leanne was diagnosed with LAM in 2013 and since that time has married and had three children. She talks about her experience and some of the challenges she has faced.I was diagnosed with LAM on Valentine’s Day 2013 when I suffered a double lung collapse whilst...
LAM and Mental Health Long Term
Consultant clinical psychologist Dr Victoria Hill looks at the long term mental health issues that may arise from a LAM diagnosis and suggests some strategies to cope with them. This is the second of two talks, produced by LAM Action, that contain input from and aim...
LAM Action Virtual Meeting celebrates 25 years
LAM Action celebrated 25 years with a really positive virtual meeting on 11th June 2022. The 3 hour event included a history of LAM from Prof Anne Tattersfield OBE, research updates from Prof Simon Johnson and Dr Debbie Clements, a tour of the Nottingham research...
Summer 2022 LAMPost
The summer edition of LAMPost is now available to download, with lots of articles and info that you won’t want to miss! Download the style that suits you, to read on your phone: LAMPost Summer 2022 Mobile Device Friendly or to print: LAMPost Summer 2022 Print Version
Help us Celebrate with LAM Action’s 25 Challenge
This year LAM Action celebrates 25 years of supporting people with LAM and raising funds for research. In that time the charity has raised over £1.5 million and funded a full-time researcher along with PhD students and clinical trials. For our 25 Challenge, we ask...
2022 Spring Edition of LAMPost
The latest edition of LAMPost is filled with interesting reports and news. It has pieces on Joan Mensor - Clowning Around for LAM Action; the International Survey of COVID-19 in Women with LAM; the launch of the 25 Challenge for May and new trustee, Harriet...
Living with LAM
LAM affects women differently, from their reaction to the diagnosis to the progression of the disease. Here are some different accounts of Living with LAM - the video was created in 2016.
Lavender Group (virtual) get-together
The next virtual get-together for the Lavender Group (those with LAM born before 1960) will be on Thursday 17 March, from 10:30 – 12:00 GMT. Anyone who would like to participate in this online chat should contact Jill Pateman by Tuesday 15 March and she will send you...
Jade Group (virtual) get-together
The next virtual get-together for the Jade Group (those with LAM born between 1960 and 1980) will be on Tuesday 12 April, from 18:00 - 19:30. Anyone who would like to participate in this online chat should contact Jill Pateman by Tuesday 5 April and she will send you...
Green Group (virtual) get-together
The next virtual get-together for the Green Group (those with LAM born 1980 and after) will be on Thursday 4 April, from 18:00 – 19:30 GMT. Anyone who would like to participate in this online chat should contact Jill Pateman by Tuesday 29 March and she will send you...
Jade Group (virtual) get-together
The next virtual get-together for the Jade Group (those with LAM born between 1960 and 1980) will be on Thursday 3 March, from 18:00 - 19:30 GMT. Anyone who would like to participate in this online chat should contact Jill Pateman by Tuesday 1 March and she will send...
Winter LAMPost – out now
The 2021 Winter edition of LAMPost is filled with interesting articles and updates. It has pieces on getting fit for the New Year, Fundraising events for you and your friends and the story of Sally and Ron's Christmas tree field. Download the style that suits you, ...
South-West Group (Virtual) get-together
The next virtual get-together for women with LAM in the South-West will be Thursday 27 January 2022. Anyone who wants to participate in this online chat should email Jill Pateman no later than Tuesday 25 January.
Green Group (Virtual) Meeting
The next meeting of the Green Group (for people with LAM born in 1980 or later) will take place via Zoom on Monday 10 January 2022, between 6-7:30 pm. If you'd like to join the online chat, please email our LAM Action coordinator, Jill Pateman, no later than Tuesday 4...
Jade Group Meeting
The next meeting of the Jade Group (for people with LAM born between 1960 and 1980) will be Monday 29 November 2021. Anyone who wants to participate in this online chat should email Jill Pateman no later than Tuesday 23 November.
LAMPost Summer 2021 edition
Our LAMPost Summer 2021 edition is out now. You can download a print-friendly or mobile device-friendly version.
LAM Action News
The theme of repurposing medicines for use with other diseases was recently discussed at the LAM Action Annual Meeting. Medical research charity LifeArc, and law firm Pinsent Masons have published the key lessons from a March 2021 seminar aimed at supporting...
London/Southeast Support Group meeting
The next online meeting of the London/Southeast support group will be 25 October, from 19:00-20:00. If you are interested in attending, please contact Jill Pateman.
LAM and Mental Health Early Stages
Consultant clinical psychologist Dr Victoria Hill explores the mental health issues that may follow a LAM diagnosis. This is the first of two videos produced by LAM Action. The second proposes ways to live with LAM in the longer term.
Guide to PIP
The Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a state benefit that might entitle people to financial help with daily living and mobility costs. People with LAM might need the benefit due to the effects of their LAM. We have published a flyer that describes PIP and the...
LAM and Pregnancy
When deciding whether to become pregnant or not, women with LAM often ask about the possible effects of pregnancy on their LAM, and also on the effects of having LAM on their pregnancy and their baby. We have published a flyer that addresses LAM and pregnancy, which...
LAM and Air Travel
As those with LAM often have concerns about flying, we have published a flyer about air travel, which we hope you will find helpful. To download a copy, please click here.
LAMPost Archives